Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: Monster Hunter

Ep 51: A Crogaine Prodcast

  Agro? Agro?? Well, he'll come around soon. Hey this week we cover the remaster and release of the new Shadow Of The Colossus! This title has one of the quirkiest runs in

Sony Playstation history, and its re-emergence in 2018 looks amazing. We "Wander" through some news we found interesting then chat this beauty up a little bit!

Also, Deadfall Adventures, and Corvus Feather Loss treatment issues. Ratings, reviews, sharing one of our links with a friend; these are all ways to really help us out and we thank you and appreciate it! …..AAAGRO!!!

Ep 50: Podster Hunters 2: The Sequel

Heyyy so yeah we were bad and stayed on Monster Hunter: World all week! Yay! We have a better grasp on this title now and since so many of our friends and listeners are into it we decided to get a little more in-depth with our monster musings. So join up with our squad this week as we discuss Monster Hunter and Shadow Warrior for the Xbox One! Please rate and tell a friend!


PlayerUnkown's Battlegrounds (for xbox one) prize! The day has come! On the day of one of the quirkiest and most unconventional console releases in history, the B.E.S.T.ies are at the top of their game! Listen to the episode for details on how to score yourself a FREE COPY OF PUBG for the Xbox One! Check out the IG and the Twitter for your chance to enter! IT’S AN EDGY GIVEAWAY! THIS IS IN ALL CAPS SO YOU WILL NOTICE IT AND ACT AND UNDERSTAND THAT WE ARE NOT KIDDING WE WANT TO GIVE FREE STUFF TO OUR FANS!! Thank you and good day.

We also recap The Video Game Awards, chat about Monster Hunter: World, Cuphead, Battlechef Brigade, Warframe, and More!

Ep 18: Enchanted Milwaukee's Best Cans

This week, the B.E.S.T.ies are at it again! We chat about the Steam Summer Sale, Final Fantasy XV's big update, News in the universe of Elite: Dangerous, and give a little more attention to what we saw of Ashen, and Monster Hunter: World! Eagle has finally EMERGED from THE SURGE! Overachievers AND EarMuffs(what we have started calling our spoily doily time) are both on the Surge this week, aaaand Brent is the Old Crow again, Spider just didn’t work out. You are who you are. Thank you to everyone listening! Passing along to a friend is much appreciated, as well as rate and review! Get in touch with us using the info posted below, and have the B.E.S.T. day EVER!


Contact Us!

Email: EdgyStances@gmail.com

Twitter: @EdgyStances






