Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: apex legends

Ep 242: Cute And Reloadable SMG

In the latest batch of delays Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4 got pushed. Facebook, or Meta, whatever their name is, talked about GTA San Andreas being developed for Oculus. Apex’s new update hit and of course the new hero and gun are broken. Roblox’s servers went down for 3 days, we discuss what happened and no it wasn’t because of Chipotle. Catch our weekly streams on twitch at Edgy Stances!

Ep 216: Destiny with Quidditch

A huge week of news happens as we look at the new Apex Legends Update and morn Jeff Kaplan leaving Blizzard. We also learn the valuable information on exactly how many kills it takes to beat GTA V. The boys played some more Outriders and rained on some parades. Catch our weekly stream on twitch at Edgy Stances!

Ep 214: Outriders vs Avengers

It seems like Outriders had a bigger launch than Avengers. We celebrate the launch of Outriders with a special guest, Gantz. The fellas check in on MLB The Show and get hyped for potential Titanfall content in Apex Legends. Catch our weekly stream on twitch at Edgy Stances!

Ep 202: Alt Tab Superhot

Another week, another fire Apex legends update. We played some more Cyberpunk and finally checked out Superhot Mind Control Delete. Eagle also took a look at Little Nightmares and jammed out on some Rockband. Thank you for listening and check out our stream on twitch a Edgy Stances!

Ep 169: Everybody Poops

I mean, it’s true…This week we talk about gamer tags, battle royales, tokens, ghosts, and friendship. Hit us up and let us know your gamer tag story!

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