Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: outriders

Ep 232: 12 Minutes To Midnight

12 minutes is finally here after years and years of development. Is it worth all the effort?? We take a look at the new Destiny 2 expansion and anniversary events. People Can Fly (the devs of Outriders) say they haven’t been paid by Square Enix yet so we dive into why that may be. Catch our weekly streams on twitch at Edgy Stances!

Ep 216: Destiny with Quidditch

A huge week of news happens as we look at the new Apex Legends Update and morn Jeff Kaplan leaving Blizzard. We also learn the valuable information on exactly how many kills it takes to beat GTA V. The boys played some more Outriders and rained on some parades. Catch our weekly stream on twitch at Edgy Stances!

Ep 215: It Takes 2 To Tango

Halo 3 got a new map this week…Halo 3. What a weird week it was with Sony pumping money into Epic and Pac-Man getting a battle royale. We take a look at a bunch of games and of course talk some more Outriders. Catch our weekly stream on twitch at Edgy Stances!

Ep 214: Outriders vs Avengers

It seems like Outriders had a bigger launch than Avengers. We celebrate the launch of Outriders with a special guest, Gantz. The fellas check in on MLB The Show and get hyped for potential Titanfall content in Apex Legends. Catch our weekly stream on twitch at Edgy Stances!

Ep 209: Easy Outriders

On this episode the boys got to take a look at the Outriders demo from People Can Fly. It’s an interesting mix of genres and ultimately, it doesn’t seem half bad. Sony is working on a new VR headset and we share our thoughts and expectations about PSVR 2.0. Thanks for listening and catch our weekly streams at Edgy Stances on twitch!